Monday, February 8, 2010

The Father of King Lamoni

There is an interesting compare and contrast in the conversion of King Lamoni's father in the book of Alma. When Ammon and King Lamoni are traveling to free Aaron, they come across King Lamoni's father. He is angry because King Lamoni did not come to a feast he was supposed to attend. He first threatens to kill King Lamoni, and then Ammon, when Ammon rebukes him and cuts his arm with his sword. When King Lamoni's father realizes that Ammon could kill him, he pleads with Ammon, saying, "If thou wilt spare me I will grant unto thee whatsoever thou wilt ask, even to half of the kingdom." (Alma 20:23) In face of potential physical death, King Lamoni was willing to give up half his kingdom to save his physical life. What is interesting is the comparison a couple of chapters later. In this chapter, Aaron is teaching King Lamoni's father about the plan of salvation and Christ's atonement. He realizes the difference between the state he is currently in, and the state necessary for eternal life, and begins to fear spiritual death. In this moment, fearing spiritual death, King Lamoni's father says, " I will give up dall that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy." (Alma 22:15) When faced with physical death, he was only willing to give up half of his kingdom to live. However, when faced with spiritual death, he hungered for the power of Christ's atonement enough to give up ALL. Are we converted enough to give up ALL (even all of our sins) to know Christ and receive eternal life?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

McCarty Inspirations

I wanted to start this blog for my family, friends and anyone else who would like to read, watch, and post, inspirational thoughts or videos. It is my hope to share more about my testimony of the restored Church of Jesus Christ and His teachings.